Watch Me Grow!

Join us as our family embraces the life of our newest member...Bryce Andrew. We would like to keep all of you up to date on our little guy's progress. Please keep us all in your prayers!! With love.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer 2011

The Rankin's have been very busy this summer. As you can see from the pics the boys are growing (especially the wee one). We have been enjoying our hot days at the pool. The boys are all enrolled in the summer library reading program so we are logging our minutes and also visiting numerous local parks in search for "rubbings" following directions (although haven't done one lately because it's been so hot outside). Bryce's 5th birthday was in June, we visited the Baltimore Aquarium in July and also just got back from a mini vacation at Chincoteague Virginia beach (the hottest week ever!) They boys had a blast regardless of the heat, mommy and daddy on the other hand needed another vacation after our vacation. Looking forward to our next beach trip at the Outer Banks in Sept hoping for a cooler but warm enough to swim week! The older boys have developed so much with their swimming skills over the past 2 months. They both jump right on in and swim around with arm swimmies on (Bryce is getting braver and trying new tricks like swimming on his back) hopefully by next summer we'll have 2 swimmers on our hands! It's been nice being sports-free and having our evenings open to having fun as a family. Soccer starts up the last week of August though!

Bryce and Landon have become best friends this summer (well that and worst enemies when they are sleep deprived!) They do everything together and miss each other when one is away. They are both doing a summer fun program on Thursday mornings through school and love it. I'm hoping this will prepare Landon for preschool in the fall. They are also starting bible school at the same church where they attend preschool this sunday. Landon is really maturing (well as mature as you can get for a 3 year old) he wants to do everything "by myself" and is getting more adventurous with eating foods (such a picky eater). Bryce is finally starting to out-grow nap time and can skip a nap without being a crazy grumpy kid in the evening. He still needs one every few days though. All 3 boys LOVED the fireworks for the 4th.

Kobe is growing big, he has his 6month check up on Thursday (I'm guessing he's around 17 lbs or so) Bryce has his 5 year check up the same day. He is still such a happy baby. His schedule really got messed up on vacation but we are getting better. He's eating solids for breakfast and dinner and doing well. He's sitting with help and rolls every now and then (he's very happy on his back and standing) He loves his brothers, they really crack him up. I have noticed a little temper every now and then he arches his back when he doesn't want to go in his car seat so it makes it hard to fasten him in. No teeth yet, but chewing on everything and anything. He found his feet last month and they are his new best friends. He is the most noisiest baby I've ever heard and LOVES his voice.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Well I can't believe it's been 3 months already since my last post! Time flies when you have 3 little ones!

Kobe is 3 and a half months now and wow is all I can say! I didn't think we could make such a "happy" "easy" baby but now I've been corrected. Mr. Kobe is a dream baby. I'm guessing God knew I couldn't handle a tough baby when I have my 2 older boys and babysitting to contend with. He's been sleeping 10 hours straight at night for the past 3 weeks. He takes great naps (sometimes for 3-4 hours) He's happy, and only fusses when he's tired or hungry. He eats well, and is just soooo smiley. I took him for his 3 month pics last Friday and the lady couldn't get over how much he smiled and laughed at her. He's around 14 lbs (a peanut compared to what Landon was at this time) but growing well. He is really getting to be fun and the boys are loving making him laugh.

Landon is potty trained!!! YEAH!!! He decided to potty train the same week Kobe slept through the night (it was a good week) The first week of warmth and running around naked made him "get it" really fast. He's doing so well and talking up a storm. He's so excited to start preschool with Bryce. Both of them are signed up for a summer fun program that meets just once a week for 2 hours. It will be a great way to introduce him to preschool. He knows all his colors and letters. He says some very funny things though and consistently mixes up opposites. He's running around with his backpack on now as I type. He is in love with Disney CARS and is so excited for the new movie to come out next month. Lots of firsts happened and are happening soon. First dentist appt and first swimming lessons were a success.

Bryce is going to be 5 next month! He is one busy guy right now. He just finished up swimming lessons. Soccer goes for another week. T-ball continues through June. He loves being with his teammates and his coach "Daddy" All of his activities have made it difficult on mommy with a newborn but I think we'll be sticking to 1 sport at a time from here on out. Bryce is maturing so much and his grammar is really improving. He's showing signs of learning to read, so of course I'm taking on that adventure full speed this summer :-) He is also very into CARS and spiderman. His new past time is pretending to be spiderman. Only 2 more weeks of school. I think mommy is more excited than Bryce for just being able to go with the flow and be out of school.

We have many fun things planned for the summer. 2 beach trips, dutch wonderland, visiting the aquarium, and we also got a membership to a local pool. It's going to be a lot of fun!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Welcome Kobe!!!!

Most of you have probably seen these pics on facebook but I thought it would be nice for those of you that don't have facebook to give an update!

Kobe Ashton Rankin arrived at 6:26pm on Jan. 25th (38 weeks) 1 week before his scheduled c-section date. He was 7 lbs 4.5 ounces. Thank goodness the little guy decided to come the day before the snow storm. My birth was as picture perfect as you can get for a c-section (water broke at 4:30 at the doc's office in the waiting room, 5 minute drive to the hospital, I had to walk through the hospital in soaking wet pants and a diaper (funny now, not so much at the time) because the boys were in our car and Kyle had to wait out in the parking lot for Auntie Alicia to pick them up. Needless to say I got lost and ended up giving 2 janitors a panic attack. Once I found labor and delivery they had me prepped and ready to go very fast. My nurses and docs were wonderful and the procedure was pretty painless compared to our last experience. We had a nice peaceful 5 days at the hospital (not too many visitors due to the snow)

Kobe is now 2 weeks old and we've been home for almost a week and a half. I feel great! God has blessed me this time around with a very easy pregnancy/birth/recovery (thank goodness because I have 2 big boys (well 3 if you count Kyle) to take care of along with Kobe. Kyle got to take off 2 weeks to help out during our transition from a family of 4 to 5 (it was wonderful having Daddy home!) Kobe is eating well, pooping well, and sleeping well (so Gold star for a newborn!)

Kobe is so snuggly and loves to be cuddled with a warm blanket. He is sleeping very well (but I know that could change) He's had episodes of sleeping 6 hours straight at night (where I've had to wake him) but mostly he wakes 3-4 hours to eat at night, 2-3 during the day. He isn't very fussy "yet", seems to love to be swaddled, loves music, the boys screaming in the background, the swing. Basically I'm praying this happy little guy stays this way!!!!!!

The boys are adjusting well (the first week was a bit rough) schedules were off, and the boys were out of sorts from not seeing mommy and daddy for 5 days. This week has been much better (they love Kobe!!!) as you can see in some pics a little too much, especially Landon he wants to hold and lay on baby all the time. Bryce just keeps asking why Kobe eats and sleeps all the time. I think in a few months when Kobe can laugh and giggle at them is when they'll really begin to enjoy him.

Monday, May 24, 2010


sorry for no pics today, we still have a bazillion of pics on our camera from the beach that Kyle needs to delete (it will get too complicated to take more pics with it!)

Breakfast: oatmeal pancakes, banana, milk

Lunch: grilled cheese on high fiber bread, vanilla yogurt, apples, milk

All ate very well (Lilly ate a great breakfast but only about half of her lunch) she was falling asleep during lunch but then afterward perked up and played until noon. She did gag on her graduate meal a few times.

Well this morning went better than I expected. Bryce was picking a bit and Hayden was a little emotional but by lunch time all seemed much better. We just played all morning and caught up as to what everyone did over the weekend.

Tristan talked about his new swingset and how he's going to have a really big sand box.
Hayden told me about falling into the pool? And how his pop pop tickled him
Lilly and Sissy were really into playing today (i think they just missed the toys)

We even got to play outside for a good hour today (the girls swang and the boys played pretty well for the most part)

They all ate lunch and then Bryce and Landon showed the kids their new train table and that occupied them until nap time.

****Tomorrow is Bryce's last day of school. Thursday is his graduation party at Jon rudy park. Kyle and I will be taking the Carver kiddos to it.

Shana and Jer (i've been dreading this summer with Bryce out of school) I know it sounds horrible but those 4 hours a week are just what he and I need. Anyway, this is going to be a long summer if we are stuck at my house 4 days in a row. I was thinking (if you are willing to pay) of maybe taking the 4 kids on a few "field trips" throughout the summer just to change things up a bit. They won't be crazy expensive things (and I'm sure Kyle will want to take a few hours off for some of them to join in on the fun!) I was thinking:

1. Ultimate playzone (I think it's like 5 bucks and Paige is free)
2. Hands on house in lancaster PA
3. maybe see a tour of wolfgang chocolate factory?

I'll have to check out some things, Maybe do 1 every other week ??? or every 3 weeks??? We'll see,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Duck NC May 2010!!!

Having a blast in North Carolina!!! The weather was good the first 2 days and pretty yucky the next 2 (but the kiddos love the indoor pool so they've been busy) We had a fun "gals" day and painted some pottery for the kids. The boys had their day today and golfed. The kids are having fun (hopefully in the sun for the next 2 days) We will be beaching it up! Landon and Bryce love the beach (and the ocean) Thomas is still a little unsure, we'll see what the next few days bring.