The Basics
When our little guy was born, he weighed in at 2 lbs. 8 ounces. Like any baby, he lost weight after birth and dipped to 2 lbs. 3 ounces. Now, he is steadily gaining a few ounces here and there. As of last night, Bryce weighed 2 lbs. 14 ounces!
After being placed under special lights for the first several days after birth (for jaundice), Bryce is finally doing well on his own! He doesn't need his "alien goggles" (which were nearly as big as his head) anymore.
Bryce is fed through a feeding tube several times per day. As the days progress, his total intake is increased to up his calorie intake in hopes of quicker weight gain.
A special device called a CPAP runs through Bryce's nose most of the day. This machine ensures that our little guy's lungs don't completely collapse when he exhales. For about 2 hours twice a day, usually when mommy and daddy get to hold Bryce, the CPAP is removed, and overall, he has been doing very well!
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers!
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