Bryce is Home!!!
Finally!!! After 7 long weeks Bryce Andrew Rankin is home today! He currently weighs 5 lbs 4 oz. and loves to eat all the time!!! He was sent home with a monitor for when he sleeps since he still isn't officially finished with his Apnea episodes (although he hasn't had any alarms in 3 days and we're hoping he's outgrowing it). We are also hoping that we will only have the monitor for a month (Remember Bryce's due date isn't until Aug. 24th. He seems to be doing well so far (likes to sleep) which means he'll probably be up all night! The kitties have been doing well also (haven't really bothered with Bryce except for a few initial sniffs) I think Kyle and I are still in shock that we have our little guy home at last!
WE will keep you updated on how we are all adjusting and how Bryce is growing.