9 months old!
Bryce just had his 9 month check-up at the docs and he did super! He is now 17 lbs and 28 inches long (he is off the charts for his height, I have no idea where he gets his length from because Kyle and I weren't that tall as babies). Bryce has hit some big milestones this month. After one visit from a physical therapist in the beginning of Feb., our little guy is rolling all over the place and he finally mastered sitting up today! He is now starting some table foods (like cereal and bananas (and ice cream when Gammie Kitner sneaks it in). He loves to eat!!!! I told the doctor how much this kid eats and he looked very surprised, but said to keep it up because he isn't over weight. He is also getting better at taking a cup during meal time. Still no teeth, but I'm thinking it should be any day now.
As you can see in the pictures, Hayden (Bryce's cousin) has been coming over to play 4 times a week while his mommy and daddy are at work. Those two are too cute together, I see many sleep overs and fun times ahead for these two boys. I am loving every minute that I get to spend with my two turkeys.
Bryce can officially say "Dada" but seems to have forgotten how to during the past week. He loves to ramble on and on and is the biggest goof-ball. His favorite things to do are eat, play rocket-ship, get tickled, read books, and loves loves loves bath time!!!!!!
He has also discovered that we have kitty cats. The other day Zues was sitting beside Bryce while I fed him and Bryce first started petting the kitty then began pulling out kitties hair!!! It was fine though, because Zues just laid there and purred!!! I guess I pick on my cats so much, they are used to the roughness.