What an awesome experience!
We had a beautiful day last Sunday for our Walk America march of dimes. Here are some pictures of our little guy on the walk. Bryce had a blast and he got to see his favorite nurse (Claudia in pictures #3) and the rest of the Newborn ICU team (picture #4). I also came across the last picture (Bryce at 3 days old) on my sister's camera and thought I would post it just so everyone can remember how small he was (just 11 months ago!) Thank you to everyone that donated (Bryce collected $750!!!) well over our goal.
Well onto an update on Bryce. He is almost 11 months old (yes, he is going to be 1 soon and I can't believe it!). I have no idea how much he weighs which is good because that means Bryce hasn't been to the doctors for over 2 months now!!! He will be going in next month for his 1 year check and will let everyone know then. He seems to be growing great and is still a good eater and is beginning to try more and more table foods everyday.
Developmentally this kid is amazing considering what all he's been through. Can you say... where did my little content "lie on the floor" baby go? Bryce is all over the place and has gone from dragging himself on the ground last week to total crawling on all 4s today. He can get into the sitting position and we've even seen him pull up to a standing position (oh noooooooo). I just can't believe it, it was just yesterday when my little guy was having problems rolling over and now there is nothing stopping him. In fact you can now say that he is caught up to his real age in everything but his size.
His new favorite thing to do is jump up and down on you and loves to get his belly tickled. Oh yeah and the boy still has no teeth!!! I don't know how he eats food but he seems to do well at using his gums to chew. I must say that I do love that gummy grin and know (hopefully) that one day I will miss his toothless smile.
We are currently working on soooooooooo big game (he can do patti-cake and peek-a-boo)
Oh and a little update on me: I have accepted a teaching position for York Suburban School District 6th grade math. I am very excited about this new job because it is my dream position at a wonderful school and very close to home. I have loved this year with Bryce and am also looking forward to our summer together, but I really think that both of us are going to benefit from this decision. Bryce is such a social baby and loves to be around other people and visiting new places. In fact today I took him to Kindercare to visit and tour the facility and when I put him in the room with the 1 year old he took off like a mad man on a mission to discover and explore and was like (See ya later mom, I need to make friends and have fun!). He will probably be going to a sitter in Hellam for at least the first year or two and then maybe onto a daycare in the future.
This is our plan, now lets see if we stick to it??? I laugh as I type this because after going through this new phase in my life I have come to realize that I have no control in anything, God has all the control and "His will be done", There is a huge difference in what we have in our plans and what he has planned for us.
I almost forgot... The Rankin's are getting a new kitchen!!!! Wooohooo, our first big attempt to remodel is soon underway (last week of May) you are all welcome to come and visit (give a happy birthday wish to Bryce) in June to check out our new dining headquarters.