Bryce is One!!!
Well as you can see the birthday boy had a ton of fun at his party! Bryce celebrated his birthday on the 14th. Wow, I never could have imagined how emotional this milestone would be for Kyle and I. To look at our healthy littly boy you would never in a million years guess that he had a rough start in life. We are so proud of Bryce and just have had the best year ever taking care of him. Oh the last picture is dedicated to Kyle for Father's Day (you are the best daddy in the whole wide world, and Bryce is so lucky to have you!)
Big NEWS!!! Bryce cut his first tooth last week and now has about 3 more coming in at the same time! He hasn't been the happiest baby these past few days, but hey it had to happen some time! I'm going to miss that toothless smile.
Bryce is crawling, pulling up, dancing, screaming, laughing, cruising, and is just busy, busy, busy! I think he actually has more energy than me (finally someone can give me a taste of my own medicine) We are just having a blast together, It is amazing how fast he learns new tricks (I am amazed every day!)
Thanks for looking!