I'm going to be a big brother!
The Rankin family just got back from vacationing at Duck North Carolina on Sat. The drive down wasn't too fun with a screaming 14 month old and bumper to bumper traffic, but all the great memories that were made that week made up for it all! Bryce had a blast at the beach and (yuck!:-() loved the taste of salt water. He wasn't too fond of the sand though (note second picture of his face after taking a nibble).
Bryce is continuing to grow and develop. He should be walking any day now (although he is good at walking on his knees). He is becoming more of a comedian and loves an audience. He is saying Momma, Dadda, and Kitty. He loves to chase balls, kitties, and daddy around the house. He also gives kisses and waves bye bye (so cute, it melts my heart every time).
In case you noticed my belly bump in picture number 1, Bryce is going to be a big brother in February. We are so excited to be adding more love to our family (we are going to burst soon with too much love!) Once again, Kyle and I thought we had our life figured out and as soon as that happened.... bammm, he had other plans. I've been told he has a sense of humor, however, I believe we are the ones smiling. This is actually an answered prayer for me because I now know that I'm meant to be a full time mommy. We have already had one ultrasound done in the beginning of July and we go in this Wed. to Maternal Fetal Medicine (high risk specialists) for another one. Kyle and I are finding peace in God, knowing that it's all in his hands.
Thanks for looking!