Watch Me Grow!

Join us as our family embraces the life of our newest member...Bryce Andrew. We would like to keep all of you up to date on our little guy's progress. Please keep us all in your prayers!! With love.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

September 2007 Walk-A-Thon

September has been a very successful and interesting month in the Rankin household. As you can see from two of the pics, Mr. Bryce got new glasses!!! It has been quite the experience trying to get our little guy to keep these on his face. For those of you who don't know, Bryce went back in July to a special baby eye doc (protocal for every preemie at 1 year). Well nothing was effected from being born early, but the kiddo has astigmatism in both eyes and is near sighted (taking after his dad in both looks and the eye sight department). I was told that even though most kiddos don't find eye problems out until school years, we should start glasses asap to help aid his development. I must say he looks so cute (just like his father) with them on. So far Bryce is up to about 45 min. max with eye glasses on. You can definately tell he can see better with them on.
Another huge accomplishment was made this month!!! Bryce is walking!!! Yeah!!!! Words cannot express how proud we are of him. He is more curious than ever, he climbs on furnature, goes up and down stairs, is babbling constantly, and likes to give daddy high fives, and sit on mommy's lap for story time.
Bryce has also been going to the babysitter for 5 weeks now and has done an awesome job of adapting to a new schedule. I can really tell a difference in his development from being around other children. He is growing up so fast (he colors, finger paints, glues, sits in a chair to eat, sleeps on a mat (not a crib), at the sitters house. He absolutely loves playing with the other kids. Every day when I take him there, he gets this huge smile on his face and gets so excited. I wish I could say the same thing (I'm not too fond of working and being a mommy/wife), but it makes me feel good that Bryce is happy, however I'm really looking forward to slowing life down a bit and staying at home with my boys. Oh FYI: I'm pretty sure I'm going to be babysitting from home after Landon comes along. This has always been a dream of mine and I want my kids to interact with other kids. So spread the word, because I'll be needing some munchkins to keep me busy.
Thanks for looking!