Watch Me Grow!

Join us as our family embraces the life of our newest member...Bryce Andrew. We would like to keep all of you up to date on our little guy's progress. Please keep us all in your prayers!! With love.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Full Hands!

Wow, I can't believe it is soon going to be May!!! Time is just flying by with 2 little ones and I'm loving every second. Here's what's been happening in our household over the past month:
Landon is growing, growing, growing. I'm not sure exactly how much the kiddo weighs until his doc appt. on Friday but I'm guessing 13 lbs easy! He has rolls and loves to eat all the time. In fact the stinker is still not sleeping through the night (5-6 hours at most) and he is 10 weeks old. I guess I was just spoiled because Bryce was sleeping through the night a few weeks after his due date. I think secretly the little one is trying to out weigh his cousin Tristan by getting in an extra feeding. I don't really mind though because it gives "us" extra time alone with no one else around (which is very uncommon these days). Landon is smiling now (although he seems to be a serious baby just like his brother) he likes to coo and talk to his mobile. I'm pretty sure his favorite thing to watch is his big brother. They like laying together on the floor. He is starting to outgrow most of his 0-3 month clothes which doesn't make mommy happy at all. Why do they have to grow so fast? He is definitely a happier baby this month (although my mother would disagree). He had some big time grumpies last month (almost like colic in the evenings) I thought he was finally out growing it until yesterday! Oh well, this too shall pass.
Bryce is doing super and is just full of surprises these days. He decided 2 weeks ago that he likes his glasses. Just when I was getting so frustrated with trying to keep them on the boy, one morning he wakes up and wants them on his face. Ever since we've had no problems. He is babbling more and more and has added a few new words to his vocab (aunt seish) aka aunt alicia. I actually had him screened by a speech therapist last week since he only says 8-10 words which is below average for his age. She tells me that at this point she isn't concerned because he is able to show his intelligence in other ways (he is a great listener and is able to understand a ton of words) he also is very unusual because he chooses to say words with the s and z sounds which are usually the last sounds a kid makes. He will be re-evaluated in 2 months (obviously if there isn't progress then speech therapy will happen). In the meantime I was told to read and sing to the child to help his development (obviously she doesn't know me!) We also started baby sign language with Bryce because it is proven to help with language development. He is catching on quickly and it is so adorable. Bryce has also taken a liking to playing at the park on the slides. Let me just say it is tricky holding an infant while chasing a toddler at the play ground (but Kyle and I are getting good at it)
Kyle and I are doing well. The family had its first stomach virus attack about a week ago. So not fun! It started with Bryce, then me, then Kyle. Thank the lord that the baby didn't get it. I have no idea how that happened since obviously Kyle and I had our hands all over the poor little guy.
Well thanks for reading my book!!! Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather!