Watch Me Grow!

Join us as our family embraces the life of our newest member...Bryce Andrew. We would like to keep all of you up to date on our little guy's progress. Please keep us all in your prayers!! With love.

Monday, September 15, 2008

A nice ending to Summer 2008

We just got back from Duck North Carolina this past Saturday and it was a big success!!!! Everyone thought we were nuts to attempt to take our two little ones on a 7 hour trip but they did great boths ways. We only had to stop once for lunch. We spent our days at the beach and pool. The boys loved it so much they told us we have to go back next year. Bryce wasn't too fond of the sand but loved the waves and water. Landon enjoyed the pool and loved splashing around.

Bryce is now getting speech therapy every other week and loves his teacher. He just made services (but only in the expressive language area) everything else he is at or above developmentally. I don't know if it's the therapy or what but ever since he started a few weeks ago the boy has had a few new words almost every day. Bryce also now knows all his colors and animal sounds. His new trick is galloping like a horse and screaming "Nay Nay!!!" On a down side note: Bryce has also learned how to be mean to his babies (Tristan and Landon). I have to watch him like a hawk around them or I'll find him trying to sit or push them down. One second he loves them and is sharing and kissing them then the next hes going crazy if they even look at one of his toys. It's a love/hate relationship. He is also in a big boy Race car bed and doing great. I cried when we took down his crib (I can't believe how big my baby boy is getting). Bryce is also becoming a pro at saying his good night prayers (he has even reminded me and daddy once or twice when we have forgotten).

Landon is still a very laid back baby. He's 7 months old and still not rolling. I asked his doc if I should be worried and he said he's just a content baby. I am very proud to announce that Landon's first word was "MaMa" YESSSSSS!!!!! He is very close to sitting by himself and is eating lots of different baby foods. He is weighing in at close to 18 lbs and is 27 inches long (55%percentile for both). He still has his bad nights where he wants a visit or two from mommy. He has 2 teeth on the bottom and I think the 2 top ones will surface pretty soon. My favorite thing in the world is watching him suck on his piggie toes!!!

Thanks for reading about my little rugrats.