Watch Me Grow!

Join us as our family embraces the life of our newest member...Bryce Andrew. We would like to keep all of you up to date on our little guy's progress. Please keep us all in your prayers!! With love.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Tricks or Treats?

I had my camera out today and just had to share some pictures of my boys!!!! and of course a little update.....
Bryce: He is getting speech every week now and really loves it. He is starting to get better with the babies (and actually lately Landon is his very best friend). He doesn't want to go anywhere without "Andon" They are so cute when they laugh at each other. Enjoying all the Fall Fests and wagon rides. He loves play dough and painting (as you can see lots of pumpkins)
Landon: Is sitting up unassisted and got 2 more teeth (4 total). Hasn't slept through the night for 2 weeks now (and yes, I do let him cry). Still very happy and content. Not really rolling around too much, just likes to sit back and watch his world around him. He is starting to eat finger foods. Now also says Dada along with mama. Enjoys playing and squeeling in delight in his crib. We also started practicing with his sippy cup last week.
Happy Halloween from the Rankin Boys!