Watch Me Grow!

Join us as our family embraces the life of our newest member...Bryce Andrew. We would like to keep all of you up to date on our little guy's progress. Please keep us all in your prayers!! With love.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Little Turkeys!

Landon is officially crawling (well more like inch worming) all over the place!!! The boy still doesn't roll over but can crawl (I don't get it). He has a blast moving around and exploring everything. Bryce is loving his baby bro now that Landon is more active and less blob like. Those two are so silly sometimes (cracking up at each other and wrestling around on the ground). Landon is also still drooling up a storm with all the new teeth that are popping in. He is such a happy guy most of the time and loves to hear his voice. Sleeping through the night still isn't happening for us and I'm beginning to think this kid is going to go to college and still need momma to come in the middle of the night to rock him or pat him to sleep.

Bryce is really testing out the waters lately with his new found independence. All of the sudden it matters what color plate he has or which orange he eats (I know this is normal and healthy but it's enough to make me want to pull my hair out!) His speech is going well but the child remains a mystery to both Kyle and I and his teacher. She says that everytime she is about to identify his need/area of problems he has other plans. He still isn't talking much and I'm starting to worry. I know all kids are different but you can't help but worry when you're a parent.

Kyle took his Professional Engineer's test a few weeks ago and we are happy to have Daddy back!!! WE won't find out how he did until closer to Christmas but are enjoying these week s of not having to worry about Kyle studying.

I have started babysitting full time and am enjoying my days of changing diapers, rocking, feeding, singing, reading, etc. All of my kiddos are so good!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!