Watch Me Grow!

Join us as our family embraces the life of our newest member...Bryce Andrew. We would like to keep all of you up to date on our little guy's progress. Please keep us all in your prayers!! With love.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Welcome Kobe!!!!

Most of you have probably seen these pics on facebook but I thought it would be nice for those of you that don't have facebook to give an update!

Kobe Ashton Rankin arrived at 6:26pm on Jan. 25th (38 weeks) 1 week before his scheduled c-section date. He was 7 lbs 4.5 ounces. Thank goodness the little guy decided to come the day before the snow storm. My birth was as picture perfect as you can get for a c-section (water broke at 4:30 at the doc's office in the waiting room, 5 minute drive to the hospital, I had to walk through the hospital in soaking wet pants and a diaper (funny now, not so much at the time) because the boys were in our car and Kyle had to wait out in the parking lot for Auntie Alicia to pick them up. Needless to say I got lost and ended up giving 2 janitors a panic attack. Once I found labor and delivery they had me prepped and ready to go very fast. My nurses and docs were wonderful and the procedure was pretty painless compared to our last experience. We had a nice peaceful 5 days at the hospital (not too many visitors due to the snow)

Kobe is now 2 weeks old and we've been home for almost a week and a half. I feel great! God has blessed me this time around with a very easy pregnancy/birth/recovery (thank goodness because I have 2 big boys (well 3 if you count Kyle) to take care of along with Kobe. Kyle got to take off 2 weeks to help out during our transition from a family of 4 to 5 (it was wonderful having Daddy home!) Kobe is eating well, pooping well, and sleeping well (so Gold star for a newborn!)

Kobe is so snuggly and loves to be cuddled with a warm blanket. He is sleeping very well (but I know that could change) He's had episodes of sleeping 6 hours straight at night (where I've had to wake him) but mostly he wakes 3-4 hours to eat at night, 2-3 during the day. He isn't very fussy "yet", seems to love to be swaddled, loves music, the boys screaming in the background, the swing. Basically I'm praying this happy little guy stays this way!!!!!!

The boys are adjusting well (the first week was a bit rough) schedules were off, and the boys were out of sorts from not seeing mommy and daddy for 5 days. This week has been much better (they love Kobe!!!) as you can see in some pics a little too much, especially Landon he wants to hold and lay on baby all the time. Bryce just keeps asking why Kobe eats and sleeps all the time. I think in a few months when Kobe can laugh and giggle at them is when they'll really begin to enjoy him.