no more old man body!
We can't believe that our little man will be 1 month old soon! Time is flying by (which is good for now while he's in the hospital). He is doing super thanks to all your prayers!!!! Big weight gain tonight and up to 3 lbs 9 oz. He is finally on his way to the big 4 pound mark. His face and body are really starting to fill out and he isn't looking like an old man anymore! His apnea is still being a pain for our fellow but his caffein dosage was increased today so we are hoping that will help. We can't wait for them to take that stinken CPAP away (so finally he won't have those adehesive strips on his cheeks anymore! Keep up the prayers!! God bless you all!
Wow - he really is filling out and starting to look like a real healthy baby!! Thank you for staying faithful to updating the blog. It's special to be able to watch this miracle unfold every week! God Bless you all!
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